When looking for a job, applicants tend to register themselves with multiple companies simultaneously. However, the main issue is that they often forget where they have sent their job applications. Registering the applications can make it easier to keep track of the job applications they have submitted. Tracking job applications is crucial as it helps gather all the relevant information and even exploit potential opportunities. It can also help to ease the anxiety that often arises during the job search process. By recording all the progress and stages, you have gone through, you can be more organized and easily keep track of your job search.
There are many benefits you will receive by doing this. If you find it difficult to track job applications, here are some tips you can follow to make your job-hunting process more manageable.
Steps to Track Your Job Applications
1. Make a Simple Record Using a Spreadsheet.
Managing job applications can be made easier by using a spreadsheet. You can use tables to sort your applications according to different categories, such as the stages you have reached in the recruitment process or the final results you received from the company you applied to. To group your applications effectively, it’s important to include information such as the company name, position, applied date, status, and contact details. You can also add notes about the type of application, source of leads and materials you sent. This will help you stay organized and keep track of your job search more effectively.
2. Take Advantage of Google Drive as Your Tool.
It’s advisable to save all your important documents, such as resumes and portfolios, in Google Drive if you have a Google account. By backing up your data online, you can access your files easily and quickly whenever you need them. Moreover, you can link your Google Drive with spreadsheets and Google Calendar to avoid missing out on important schedules.
3. Use a Professional Email Address.
If you’re in the process of job searching, it’s a good idea to create a professional email address that you use solely for this purpose. This will help you maintain a more organized and focused approach to your job search. You can also avoid the possibility of confusing personal messages with recruitment information that HR might send.
4. Create an Account on a Professional Platform for Job Hunting.
Professional social media platforms like LinkedIn and JobStreet offer features that allow you to track the status of your job application. This helps you quickly identify which applications have been rejected and which ones have a good chance of progressing to the next stage. With this information, you can streamline your job application process and increase your chances of getting hired.
5. Install Mobile Applications that can Support Recording.
If you already use tools such as spreadsheets, Google Drive, and Google Calendar, make sure to install them on your phone. This will allow you to receive all incoming information faster and more efficiently. Sometimes, using a laptop or computer can take time, which can increase your chances of receiving information late. It’s difficult to predict when you’ll receive a response from HR after submitting a job application, so it’s crucial to receive notifications as soon as possible.
6. Narrow Down the Places Where you Submit your Job Applications.
It’s important to search for numerous job opportunities, but it’s equally important to filter out certain companies. Prioritize the companies that are most likely to have job openings that align with your skills and interests. If you apply for too many jobs, it can become difficult to keep track of them all.
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