“Stockbit’s time-to-hire got 2x
faster since using Shortlyst”
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- 501 - 1,000
- Capital Markets
- Start up
- Investment, Financial Technology, Financial Planning, Stocks, Stock Market, and Capital Markets
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- 501 - 1,000
- Capital Markets
- Start up
- Investment, Financial Technology, Financial Planning, Stocks, Stock Market, and Capital Markets
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- 501 - 1,000
- Capital Markets
- Start up
- Investment, Financial Technology, Financial Planning, Stocks, Stock Market, and Capital Markets
Success metrics with Shortlyst AI
More Candidates
Time to hire reduction
More Candidates
Time to hire reduction
Stockbit, a fast-growing company in the tech industry, was facing a common challenge in the world of recruitment. Despite having a team of experienced recruiters, Stockbit encountered an issue in organizing their pipeline, leading to frequent instances of double reach outs to potential candidates. This not only caused confusion among the candidates but also hindered Stockbit’s ability to approach them faster and get a better response rate.
As a Human Resources Manager of a startup company, building a talent pool is a great challenge for Jhohanes, and sourcing to find new candidates is obviously the most effective way to do it. He soon realized that manually approaching people is time consuming and inefficient.
He was determined to find a solution to this problem and win the talent war by attracting the best candidates faster than the competition. After a thorough search, he stumbled upon Shortlyst.
“We were impressed by Shortlyst’s team collaboration feature, which would allow us to prevent double reach outs and save time in approaching the right talent.”
He decided to give Shortlyst a try and subscribe to 4 accounts. The results were instantaneous. The team collaboration feature allowed Stockbit to work together in a seamless manner, ensuring that no candidate was contacted multiple times.
“Our recruiters could now focus on identifying and approaching the right candidates, leading to a better response rate and a shorter time-to-hire.”
But that’s not all. Shortlyst’s automation feature also played a significant role in Stockbit’s success. “Our recruitment team no longer had to approach each candidate one by one, saving our valuable time and energy. Instead, we could focus on discovering more talents.”
In conclusion, Stockbit’s partnership with Shortlyst has been a game-changer. The platform has helped them overcome the challenge of double reach outs, approach candidates faster, and reduce their time-to-hire. Stockbit is now a step ahead in attracting the best talent and staying ahead of the competition
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Get started with Shortlyst today
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Reduction in cost-to-hire
Reduction in time-to-hire